Gold: $2662.25 18.88
Silver: $30.32 0.06

Payment Methods

We are proud to offer a wide variety of convenient payment options. customers can elect to pay for purchases using credit/debit cards or PayPal, both of which offer online and instant payments, or choose to pay via paper check or bank wire, both of which offer a 4% discount relative to credit/debit card and PayPal pricing. Read on to learn more about each payment method.

Credit/Debit Card

Min: $0, Max: $50,000 – Credit/Debit Card Payments Process INSTANTLY and Enter the Shipping Queue IMMEDIATELY

Credit and debit cards offer an easy and instant method of payment. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and AMEX credit and debit cards. Below are some criteria for credit and debit card payments that customers should keep in mind:

  • Once submitted, first-time credit and debit card orders will be manually screened before queuing for shipping. This process typically happens the same business day, and often is completed on the spot after checkout. Once your order has been approved, it will queue up for shipping and typically depart our facility the same or next business day.
  • We currently have no minimum credit/debit card order and a maximum credit/debit card order of $50,000.

For any other questions on credit/debit card payments, please feel free to contact us.


Min: $0, Max: $60,000 – PayPal Payments Process INSTANTLY and Enter the Shipping Queue IMMEDIATELY

paypalPayPal also offers an easy and instant method of payment. Below are some criteria for PayPal payments that customers should keep in mind:

  • Due to the risk of fraud, we require that customers utilize a “PayPal Verified Shipping Address” to help us prevent fraud. If you have not yet verified your shipping address with PayPal, please do so before attempting to use this payment method.
  • Once submitted, first-time PayPal orders will be manually screened before queuing for shipping. This process typically happens the same business day, and often is completed on the spot after checkout. Once your order has been approved, it will queue up for shipping and typically depart our facility within 1 business day.
  • Note that we are proud to offer BillMeLater financing via PayPal, which allows customers to finance up to $1,000. See for details.
  • We currently have no minimum PayPal order, and a maximum PayPal order of $60,000.

For any other questions on PayPal payments, please feel free to contact us.

Paper Check

Min: $0, Max: $100,000 – All Paper Checks Clear for 4-6 Business Days Before Entering the Shipping Queue

Paper checks enable customers to save 4% relative to credit/debit card and PayPal product pricing. Below are some criteria for paper check payments that customers should keep in mind:

  • Paper check payments constitute personal checks, money orders, cashier’s checks, certified checks, etc. We do not accept convenience checks. Please note that ALL paper checks, including money orders, cashier’s checks, bank notes, etc, will go through the same clearing period of 4-6 business days depending on your order size and history. Unfortunately, we routinely receive fake or fraudulent cashier’s checks etc, so we have to hold them the same as a personal check to ensure the funds are good.
  • Please note that paper check orders require a credit/debit card on file to lock in your price and guarantee your order. Your card will NOT be charged provided payment is received in a timely fashion. If you fail to complete payment, you may be charged cancellation fees, as well as any Market Losses in accordance with our Terms of Use.
  • Our mailing address for paper check payments will be provided to you immediately upon checkout. We require that paper check payments are received in-full within 10 calendar days, and encourage customers to get their payments in the mail within 1 business day.
  • Once your paper check is deposited, you will receive an email notification noting the order is Paid. Once the check clears, you will receive another email including tracking information for your shipment.

For any other questions on paper check payments, please feel free to contact us.

eCheck (ACH)

Min: $0, Max: $100,000 – All eChecks (ACH) Clear for 4-6 Business Days Before Entering the Shipping Queue

eChecks (ACH) enable customers to save 4% relative to credit/debit card and PayPal product pricing. Below are some criteria for eCheck (ACH) payments that customers should keep in mind:

  • All eCheck (ACH) payments will go through a clearing period of 4-6 business days before your order will ship.
  • eCheck (ACH) payments can take up to one business day to pass verification with your bank. If there are any issues with verification, we will reach out to you via email. If you fail to complete payment, you may be charged cancellation fees, as well as any Market Losses in accordance with our Terms of Use.
  • Once your eCheck (ACH) payment is verified and received, you will receive an email notification noting that the order is Paid. Once the funds clear, you will receive another email including tracking information for your shipment.

Bank Wire

Min: $500, Max: $500,000 – Bank Wire Payments Process INSTANTLY and Enter the Shipping Queue IMMEDIATELY

Bank wires enable customers to save 4% relative to credit/debit card and PayPal product pricing. Below are some criteria for bank wire payments that customers should keep in mind:

  • Bank wire payments MUST be actual bank wires (you may need to visit your bank in person to send the wire). ACH or eCheck payments may result in the delay and/or cancellation of your order.
  • Please note that bank wire orders require a credit/debit card on file to lock in your price and guarantee your order. Your card will NOT be charged provided payment is received in a timely fashion. If you fail to complete payment, you may be charged cancellation fees, as well as any Market Losses in accordance with our Terms of Use.
  • Our wiring instructions for bank wire payments will be provided to you immediately upon checkout. We require that bank wire payments are received in-full within 1 business day.
  • Once your bank wire is received, you will receive an email notification noting the order is Paid. Once the order ships, you will receive another email including tracking information for your shipment.

For any other questions on bank wire payments, please feel free to contact us.


Min: $0, Max: $100,000 – Bitcoin Payments Take 1-2 Business Days to Process Before Entering the Shipping Queue

Bitcoin enable customers to save 3% relative to credit/debit card and PayPal product pricing. Below are some criteria for Bitcoin payments that customers should keep in mind:

  • Bitcoin orders must be processed via Bitpay and transferred into dollars before we receive payment.
  • Please note that bitcoin orders require a credit/debit card on file to lock in your price and guarantee your order. Your card will NOT be charged provided payment is received in a timely fashion. If you fail to complete payment, you may be charged cancellation fees, as well as any Market Losses in accordance with our Terms of Use.
  • Bitcoin refunds will be claimed and processed via Bitpay at the time of refund.

For any other questions on bitcoin payments, please feel free to contact us.


Min: $0, Max: $100,000 – Ethereum Payments Take 1-2 Business Days to Process Before Entering the Shipping Queue

Ethereum enables customers to save 3% relative to credit/debit card and PayPal product pricing. Below are some criteria for Ethereum payments that customers should keep in mind:

  • Ethereum orders must be processed via BitPay and transferred into dollars before we receive payment.
  • Please note that Ethereum orders require a credit/debit card on file to lock in your price and guarantee your order. Your card will NOT be charged provided payment is received in a timely fashion. If you fail to complete payment, you may be charged cancellation fees, as well as any Market Losses in accordance with our Terms of Use.
  • Ethereum refunds will be claimed and processed via BitPay at the time of refund.

For any other questions on Ethereum payments, please feel free to contact us.